Archangel Michael: Leaving INCOMPLETION at Redemption’s Door! #2 of 10

In Channeled Messages


Archangel Michael:
It is Archangel Michael here to see this through, with you. We are very old friends, you and I. We are family. We are doing this together. You are as essential to the Earth Project as we – on the other side of the ever-thinning Veil – are too.

Let’s finish with incompletion. Incompletion is a way you have allowed your God-given life-force to be drained from you. In the Light I am revealing this to you, incompletion is actually your REFUSAL to finish things. Yes, I am saying that you have a way of refusing to complete certain things. I understand that it might not always seem so, but remember: you are a being of Light, a Master. Everything that happens to you is something you, in some way, gave permission for, you allowed. This is NOT the same as assigning blame or fault. Those dark tactics are designed to crush your spirit, and they have nothing to do with the Light of which I speak.

The refusal to finish things is a kind of sit-down strike you have invented. By nefarious design, your lives have become overwhelming. Be gentle with yourself, yet be honest. Your life has become a set of daily tasks, goals and necessities that are legitimately impossible to accomplish. No one can do it, without compromising some inner value somewhere. The dark design has been to control you through your own diminished feelings of yourself and life in order to syphon your Life-force. The only way to survive without incurring mountains of inner dross and karmic weight has been to learn to dwell in peace within in the midst of all things. Yet, everything in your life is deliberately devised to keep you from this enlightened way of being.

I will give you healing insight. Have compassion for yourself. Say and mean, “It’s okay, I’ve done enough. Sure, I’ve been overwhelmed, and stopped following through on certain things – to cope, to survive! However, that was an experience whose time has come. From now, I will either: 1) follow things through to completion, or 2) CONSCIOUSLY DECIDE to end something without “finishing” it – thereby creating its finish/completion.” This is a meaningful step to filling the holes in your energetic field that were once feeding portals for low resonance critters! You will immediately end the cycle of waking up every day with a to-do list that is bigger than you could ever accomplish, and therefore going to bed every night feeling like a failure! No more!

I’m going to give you a fantastic hint about how to deal with this terrible practice of incompletion, and leave it at Redemption’s Door. It is: energetic follow-through. This is the art of improving your spiritual golf swing. It works like this. Currently, your life on the surface at this time is indeed so overwhelming that you often stop a task midway in order to switch gears, to do something else. Let’s say you’re cooking in the kitchen, and you have to get everyone’s lunch made, and breakfast made, and plan dinner, and make the shopping list, and think of this and that, assess the vegetables and wash the fruits and find the right containers. It’s all going on at once. You have this burden of multi-tasking.

When you are anchored in the burden of trying to get too much done that you will never get done, well, that was the intention, the setup. How can you possibly succeed when it has been set up that you can’t and won’t? That is no short-coming of yours.

Energetic follow-through is choosing the tasks with breath and awareness that you can finish. And then, like a golf swing, like a tennis swing, following all the way through, so instead of just making the lunches for the kids and leaving everything out on the counter, and then starting breakfast, but, oh, you have to move everything that’s on the counter now so you can try to make breakfast, but there are already dishes stacked up. See? Instead, do each task all the way through, so when you use the peanut butter, you use it, you use the jelly, and you put them away. It’s one stroke. Now, I’m being very specific and simplistic to make the point. Hear me, incompletion is not about – you having to do more. It is about shining gentle awareness on what you can accomplish, rather than putting yourself in a position where you are a constant failure.

This is a key to really LIVING in the moment. When you pile on top of yourself – your consciousness, your schedule, more than you can possibly accomplish, then you cannot be Present, by design. Imagine the golf swing, smooth and steady all the way through. Now see the energy it takes to stop a golf swing mid-swing. That’s a decision that takes energy, and then it takes more energy to restart again from the beginning. And there is no such thing as a real golf swing that pretends to start at the halfway point. I am showing you the energetic cost of incompletion. It is astounding. Contemplate the gem of insight I am offering you.

Multi-tasking is always done with absolute ease and pleasure – from a higher dimensional perspective. It will never result in exhaustion, stress or overwhelm, but only fulfillment.

Simplify. It is time. We will help you. Call upon us. It is our joy.

I am your, Archangel Michael.

(channeled by Christine Burk 12/17/16)

Read original post here.






