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Affirmation of the Day - CarMy beautiful car is a 1997 Nissan Pathfinder. She may have more years and mileage on her but I Love her. Up until 2017 I used to manifest car troubles somewhat frequently. In 2015-2016 I used these car troubles to help me release my fear. Fear of not having enough money to pay for all of these repairs. Fear of not being supported. I was also trying to understand how manifestation worked in terms of my thoughts in relation to the objects in my life. Do things break down just because we’re in a physical world with 3D density and it’s inevitable with age or are these breakdowns connected to my energy, thoughts and feelings? In 2017 I discovered Ascended Master Teachings through the I AM Discourses, Bridge to Freedom and more. I learned about my Mighty I AM Presence. I learned about the Beings of Universal Light Substance (science calls them electrons) that every physical object is made of. I learned that if I consistently hold my attention on the Perfection of God flowing through me that by extension all of the energy in my physical objects would also hold this Perfection. During this process I began to let go of more fear –  fear of being stranded on the street during traffic and the fear of getting into my car and not knowing if I would get home or if it would break down. At first it was hard to believe that this Higher Aspect of me would keep my car from breaking down just by saying some affirmations and focusing my attention on it instead of the imperfection that I see with my own eyes. I had to TRUST in an invisible Being instead of the physical world I perceive through my senses. The more I put my attention on my I AM Presence and the Higher dimensions instead of this physical world the more I KNOW that as long as I maintain my focus on above the physical objects in my life will also maintain their perfection. Things don’t have to break down if you raise your consciousness and maintain YOUR OWN Perfection. I have not had car troubles since 2016 and that is a big deal for me.

Freedom is such a magnificent feeling. Having the ability to go anywhere I want anytime I want is such a Blessing. But having the freedom and peace of mind knowing that my car (and all new cars I buy) will never break down again and that I AM always supported by my Mighty I AM Presence is a Blessing beyond words.

** Update May 2018** I contemplated this more because my car is still experiencing a wobbling at high speeds (this happened before in 2004, the trailing arms need to be replaced) and my windshield broke and I have yet to fix it. The answer that came to me is that if something is already broken before I begin using my affirmations, the Perfection of God isn’t going to magically fix it because my consciousness needs to be raised high enough to allow my Holy Christ Self to come through (this was the level of consciousness Jesus had when he performed those “miracles”) (miracles is in quotations because they are just normal occurrences of the Power of God – miracles to us because we have forgotten our Divinity). So I do need to take the human action of replacing these parts that are broken.

So what’s the point of saying affirmations then? When I repeat “I AM the Perfection of God flowing through me into my car” what actually happens is I am now qualifying the Perfection of God that already exists within each and every conscious, intelligent tiny Being of Universal Light Substance that my car is made of to once again sustain and maintain the Perfection of God within them because they were created to obey our commands and we are endowed with the Power of God to command them. So everything that is currently working perfectly will continue to work perfectly as long as I believe in the full power of my Mighty I AM Presence and keep my attention on it instead of outer appearances of imperfection. In other words, complete and absolute FAITH and TRUST that you are always taken care of by your God Self. Jesus can explain the power of “I AM” better than I can:

“When an individual thinks, feels, speaks or writes the words “I AM”, they immediately receive the attention of Life within them as well as around them. Why? Because the words “I AM” are the signal to intelligent Life to create. I learned this lesson at the feet of a Beloved Guru in India. I saw Life immediately obey the fiat or decree that followed this creative statement. It was at the feet of this Guru that I learned the power within the Creative Word “I AM” and began utilizing it Myself, enjoying the buoyant, uplifting feeling of the constructive use of any statement preceded by the word “I AM”… Life will obey you! It always has. Every creation that lives in your world constructively or otherwise is the result of the obedience of Life to your command someplace upon Life’s way. Turn to the constructive, positive, conscious use of the resurrection power of the Creative Word “I AM” and prove to yourself that intelligent Life will obey you and manifest according to your decree. There is no greater teacher than one’s own experience. TRY IT! I CHALLENGE YOU!”
– Jesus, excerpted from “The Challenge of the Christ”

**Update July 2018** For about a month now whenever I get into my car I’ve been saying either aloud or in my head, “I AM MY I AM PRESENCE DRIVING MY CAR, WRAPPING ME IN A BUBBLE OF INVISIBILITY (TO POLICE (because I like to go fast)), INVINCIBILITY AND INVULNERABILITY TO ANY AND ALL HUMAN CREATIONS, INCLUDING (BUT NOT LIMITED TO) CAR ACCIDENTS, ACCIDENTS OF ANY KIND, CAR BREAKDOWNS AND ANYTHING LESS THAN THY ALMIGHTY PERFECTION BECAUSE I AM THE PERFECTION OF GOD FLOWING THROUGH ME!” and not only do I have peace of mind knowing that I am always taken care of and looked after as I walk this physical life with ease and Grace, but my car doesn’t wobble so much now and I still haven’t gotten it fixed! I Love aligning my consciousness to my God-self instead of my human ego self!

Have fun with this and make your own or modify mine to fit your needs! Experience for yourself the Power of your Mighty I AM Presence because you probably won’t believe me until you do!

Affirmation of the Day - My BodyMy entire life I have always been healthy. As a kid I’ve never even broken a bone or been stung by a bee or anything other kids went through. My perfect health has continued long into my adult years even though I’ve gained weight and haven’t made the best choices in diet and nutrition. And even during the years I didn’t show my body any Love because I was unhappy with how it looked (even though I created it). It wasn’t until I discovered the book “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay and began doing mirror work that I started to give my beautiful body acceptance, Love and appreciation. I know what a Blessing it is to have such perfect health and I give thanks every day. I’ve also learned (through Ascended Master Teachings) that there is an Elemental attached to my physical body that helps maintain its optimal condition so I also send Love and appreciation to this Beloved Being as well.

Manifesting Money - Pick Up PenniesBefore I learned about the Law of Attraction whenever I walked by a penny on the ground I would leave it because “it’s just a penny” and it wasn’t important enough for me to bother. I had no idea that that split second thought in my head was broadcasting a vibration of rejection to the Universe. And every time I had a similar thought I was essentially telling the Universe, “No thanks, I don’t want wealth and money”. Now that I am aware of how my thoughts and feelings create my vibration about money I delight in receiving little gifts of change from the Universe. I don’t care if people look at me or what they think about me stopping to pick up some dirty penny on the street. I know better. I know that I am consistently projecting that I AM open to receive and am so very thankful for all that I have! Thank you bring me MORE!

*UPDATE April 2019*

I’ve turned picking up pennies into a game I play with my Incarnation Team/Soul/Higher Self. Whenever I go out and about I ask “How many coin present instant money manifestations will I line up to today?” and see how many they line me up to. Because I AM a cooperative component so they can put me in the right place at the right time to be where that coin is on the ground. One time in I went all day without even getting one and I thought, “Man people really need to start dropping some coins so I can pick them up! and I kid you not a few minutes later I heard a coin fall onto the ground so I waited until the person left and picked up a penny! I laughed with surprise and delight and it made my heart sing with joy that they heard me and answered my thought instantly!

Over the months as I’ve played this game they have given me coins in the most surprising places and are always surprising and delighting me. Every time I receive another one it makes me so happy and instantly raises my vibration. It’s like I’m a kid again playing hide and go seek with my invisible friends. And every time I receive another one it increases my confidence of manifesting and gives me the proof/evidence our mind thinks it needs in order to believe. The other day they lined me up to receive SEVEN coins in about two hours. Now I have SO MUCH fun playing this game and it has exponentially expanded my feeling about my ability to receive wealth and create money manifestations. I could care less what anyone thinks about me picking up coins on the ground because they don’t know what I know and I know that I AM building the momentum of wealth consciousness and because I LOVE RECEIVING INSTANT MONEY MANIFESTATIONS and am constantly affirming that I AM CONSTANTLY RECEIVING PRESENTS FROM ABOVE I know that ALL OF MY WEALTH COMES FROM ABOVE! Actually the weirder the spot where the money is the more it makes me feel like they put it there just so I could find it. My mom even joins me in looking for and picking them up! So the more fun you make it and the more ways you find to enjoy receiving money the more you affirm your love of money and ability to receive money freely, no strings attached. Because I AM ALWAYS RECEIVING MONEY FREELY!

Read the next post I Can Buy Whatever I Want

Affirmation of the Day - Water, Electricity, HeatWhen you start becoming more mindful, you begin to notice and think about the things you used to take for granted and never thought about because they were always there. Living in America and living in a home, it’s so easy to forget to appreciate the many Blessings we have that people in other countries or homeless people don’t enjoy on a daily basis. One of these Blessings is utilities. It may not feel like a Blessings when you’re paying the bills, but it would if you changed your mindset to one of appreciation that you are able to pay for electricity, water and gas on demand whenever you want. If you chose instead to Bless the Beings involved in operating the companies that deliver to your door these Blessed amenities you would be happy to pay those bills every month and raise your vibration at the same time! If you need help being appreciative, think about the people all over the world who don’t have access to these luxuries, whose life is so hard every day because they have to walk miles to get water or freeze to death from lack of heat. Or even in your community, think about the hardships homeless or low-income people experience from a lack of access to these utilities. When you imagine how they live and imagine having to live that way yourself, it becomes a lot easier to be thankful for ALL of your Blessings and stop taking them for granted should they one day be taken from you.

Affirmation of the Day - Water Water is one of the most important components for life. Along with air, food and the Universal Life Substance flowing into you through the silver cord from your Mighty I AM Presence, the human body cannot live without water. Water is made of Universal Life Substance (science calls these particles electrons) as is everything in our physical world, your body, your thoughts, everything in your Life. It is alive, conscious and intelligent – as the work of Dr. Masuru Emoto has proven. When you Bless your water, send it Love and appreciation, tape positive words on your water bottle, you raise the vibration of the water you drink which in turn raises your vibration.

Affirmation of the Day - Higher Self Along my spiritual journey I’ve learned about the Higher Self, an aspect of us that lives in the higher dimensions that guides us and facilitates our soul growth. This Being in collaboration with our soul, plans each incarnation including what it needs/wants to experience for its evolution. This results in the experiences, good and bad, we humans manifest in our reality.  The more your consciousness is evolved the easier it will be for you to see the opportunities for expansion in everything you experience. Hopefully along the way you will have learned to Love yourself, making this journey more of a blessing than a curse!

The Emotion Code Heart WallMany people have Heart-Walls and don’t even know it because modern medicine is ignorant of energetic causes of physical illness. Before an illness can manifest in the physical body, it starts out in the emotional body. If untreated and left to accumulate and build more energy, it then begins to manifest in your body. Western medicine only treats the physical body, an incomplete strategy because unless you treat the root cause in the emotional body you will never be healed.

From The EMotion Code website:

“The Emotion Code has been created to give you new insight, to show you how trapped emotions can cause all kinds of problems, and give you the means to release them. You can take your life back, enjoy better health, and finally be free from the insidious and subtle forces that trapped emotions are exerting upon you.

It has been a goal of mine for many years to teach people how to balance their own bodies and improve their own health as far as it lies within their power to do so. The Emotion Code is helping to fulfill this dream of mine. It is my sincere hope that you will read it and learn the powerful yet simple healing methods that I teach, put them into practice, and improve your own health and the health of your loved ones.

I believe that each of us has a destiny to fulfill, and a mission to perform while we are sojourning on this earth. Illness can stop us in our tracks, and prevent us from living the life we could be living. It is a sacred calling to help those who are ill to recover, not only because of themselves. There is a ripple effect that occurs when someone is healed. Their life, lived fully, touches many others, and can spread out through time and space to eternity. Some of the greatest satisfactions in my life come from teaching people just like you, bringing out the healer in them, practicing the healing art myself, and experiencing the joy that comes from helping others to be well.

God bless you on your journey to getting well and becoming the healer you are inside.”

To learn more visit Dr. Bradley Nelson.

The Emotion Code Heart WallLike everyone else before I became activated/partially-awakened/conscious, I had no clue about the connection between physical disease and emotions/feelings but I was always into self-development and began to follow my guidance, even if I didn’t know what I was doing. In the early 2000s I started learning more and even though I was skeptical continued my exploration into the “spiritual world of energy”. I went to lectures at my local wellness center and discovered Reiki, hands on healing, body work and all kinds of “alternative” therapies.

When I learned about The Emotion Code in 2015, it totally made sense why my knees ached or my hips were so tight and constricted. I began to see how trapped emotions are stuck inside my body’s cell memory, waiting for me to release them.

“In the same way that you cannot see the wind, yet you can feel its effects, trapped emotions are invisible and they can exert powerful forces upon you. Trapped emotions can affect you physically just as much as they can mentally and emotionally. It is my experience that a significant percentage of physical illnesses, emotional difficulties and self-sabotage are actually caused by these unseen energies.”

Learn more by visiting Dr. Bradley Nelson


The Emotion Code Heart WallI first learned about The Emotion Code in 2015 because that was the year my awakening really intensified and I began to embark on the most self-development and rapidly accelerating growth than ever before. I discovered many trapped emotions I was carrying and I had a Heart-Wall, made out of wood!, unbeknownst to me. Using muscle testing and what I learned reading the book I was able to release them and remain mindful to consistently check to ensure I don’t create new ones.

Visit Dr. Bradley Nelson to learn more about The Emotion Code.

Belief system | Lightworker Lifestyle Do you think your life just “happens” to you? Are you powerless and a victim? Does God pull the strings that control your life and you have no say? NO. Human beings are powerful creators; we are endowed with the same creative abilities God has: thought and feeling. Experiences you’ve had as a baby and throughout your life create your belief system and as an adult your thoughts create new experiences to maintain those beliefs. But beliefs, thoughts and feelings are changeable if you’re willing to do the internal work to create new mental patterns that support you instead of hold you back. As a being modeled in the image of God, it’s time to stop being so limited and realize that nothing is out of reach if you would only believe in yourself and CLAIM YOUR POWER.

ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) I read somewhere most people think about 50,000 – 70,000 thoughts per day. How many of those do you think about yourself? How many are positive? Negative? Are you even aware of them? Do you know how they make you feel? Are any of them even directed towards your I AM Presence or God? Do you think any thoughts of Love and appreciation towards them on a daily basis?

Thanks to great progress in understanding the human mind, we are aware that our minds have different components or aspects, one of which is the ego. The human ego is not your friend, even though it’s a part of your mind. It may be hard to grasp the abstract concept that it is an aspect of human consciousness that is only out for itself. It does not care about you and will do everything it can to keep you under its control and manipulation for one purpose only: its own survival. Because if you progress on your self-development/spiritual path, when you raise your consciousness higher and higher in the Light, eventually you will have no more need for your ego because you will begin integrating it into your Holy Christ Self and it will cease to exist as it is. So the more stagnant it keeps you, the more negative thoughts it makes you focus on, the more fear and doubt it can instill in you, the slower you will grow and evolve towards Christ Consciousness.


“It all starts with the recognition that you are a self-conscious being who has free will to choose what you identify yourself as. And then you must be mindful of where you direct your attention. Again, this is addressed in greater detail by Mother Mary in her book. The concept she gives is that the Conscious You resides in a sphere, in the container of self. In that container is your I AM Presence, and when your being was first created, there was only the I AM Presence and the Conscious You within your sphere of self.

Yet when you experimented with the duality consciousness, you allowed elements of a lower vibration, elements of duality, to enter this sphere of self. And gradually, over many lifetimes, you have built a mortal sense of self that opposes or seems to oppose your I AM Presence. This is what we also call the ego.

This mortal self is made up of decisions you have made, beliefs you have come to accept. And many of those beliefs are about yourself. You might believe that you are a sinner. You might believe you are a mortal human being who will die when your physical body dies. You might believe that you cannot do this and you cannot do that. You cannot contact God directly in your heart but needs the outer hierarchy of the church, or any number of dualistic beliefs.

As these beliefs enter your sphere of self, they begin to form a gravitational force and it pulls on the Conscious You. It pulls on your attention. It is almost like the force of gravity that prevents you from rising into the air, but pulls you down to earth. Likewise, your mind is being pulled by the gravitational force of the ego that has gained entry into your sphere of self. And as long as that mortal self remains, it will have some pull on your attention and that is why your thoughts are being pulled back to these old thought patterns and habit patterns. And it seems that no matter what you do you cannot get rid of them, they keep pulling on you. ”
– Ascended Master Jesus, channeled by Kim Michaels in the discourse excerpted from “You cannot overcome the ego in an instant, but you can stop identifying with it” from

You also have to understand that in addition to internal pressures from your ego, there are many invisible external forces influencing your mind in any given moment. There is so much momentum built up of thousands and thousands of years of negative energy and effluvia encircling the planet in the astral realms that we are bombarded by these swirling channels of hate, jealousy and every human emotion we are able to feel. When you feel any of these negative emotions, you are tapping into these streams of momentum and not only is it affecting you in that moment but you are adding to the momentum of that negative energy. Then you take into account the Law of the Circle, aka the Law of Attraction and like attracts like, so all of the thoughts that you think (project or broadcast) on a consistent basis like every day, only brings you more of the same energy and you become stuck in a catch-22, a potentially never-ending cycle of this energetic momentum. And because we are all tied together in the collective consciousness we all affect each other, consciously or more commonly unconsciously.

You incarnated as a human being to learn how to control your thoughts and feelings. We are endowed with the same creative power as God, the Creator of All That Is. The problem is we are all creating unconsciously and we get mad or whine and complain that our lives aren’t the way we want them to be when we have free will and the Power of God within us to create and live our Dream Lives. Stop giving away your power to your ego. The best way to break yourself out of this vicious cycle that YOU created is by calling for help from Above – your I AM Presence/Higher Self, the Ascended Masters, Archangels/Angels, God, whomever you feel the most comfortable invoking through prayer, affirmations, decrees whatever. Unless you receive a lifeline of Light and Love from the higher realms you will continue to be stuck – it is just too hard to do on your own. Trust me, I know! It’s so much easier with their help! But you have to ask or they can’t help you because you have free will.

Are you going to continue misusing that power to create anything less than the Perfection that you are?


Conscious Creating Graphic

Most of the time the only person standing in the way of your dreams coming true is you. When you are working towards a goal sometimes it can feel like you’re never going to make it but if you focus and stay aligned to your desire, be flexible and open to Divine timing and don’t give up you will ALWAYS succeed.