Review: Saint Germain Violet Flame Disc & Goddess Vortex Sun Disc

In February 2020 I was lead to discover and inspired to buy first the Goddess Vortex Sun Disc then a few days later the Violet Flame Disc. Natalya worked fast to ship them together and I received these beauties a few weeks later along with a beautiful surprise gift, a necklace with three smokey topaz gemstones that I wear all of the time!
They were packaged in pretty blue boxes that I keep them in and came with blue pouches for travel (so thoughtful!) as well as thorough instructions on how to use them and more information about their energetic properties.
These discs are not only incredibly powerful vortexes of higher frequency energy they are such beautiful works of art! I have taken them to my friend’s house for a gathering and to a Stargate meditation and everyone oohs and ahhs about how pretty they are and when they hold them they can feel the power and energy within them.
The day I received them I meditated with them as they calibrated and encoded their energies with mine. I could feel activity in my solar plexus, crown and third eye chakras and am so excited because every day since receiving them I have used them in my meditations and the energy is so intense I know I am making so much progress in my purification process.
On March 24 I experienced the most powerful meditation yet. I usually put the violet flame disc stone side down on my crown so it doesn’t slide off (because the other side is smooth flat glass) then hold the goddess disc on my solar plexus chakra in one hand and an amethyst crystal in my other. I focused all of my attention and energy on opening my third eye and WOW! the energy was so strong and palpable these discs truly are amplifiers and open up the vortex within you! I also spend a lot of time visualizing myself being purified by the Violet, Opal and White Ascension Flames while thinking multiple various affirmations, for example I AM THE VIOLET FIRE FLOWING THROUGH ALL OF MY ENERGY BODIES TRANSMUTING ALL OF MY DARKNESS INTO LIGHT. I actually become/merge with the Sacred Fires as I weave them within every electron of energy, every wave of Light and all of the space in between that I AM! For the Goddess Disc I use the affirmation I AM THE GOLDEN FLAME OF CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS FLOWING THROUGH ME FILLING ME WITH DIVINE ENLIGHTENMENT. And I visualize myself within a bonfire of shimmering, glorious golden Light.
Recently on April 16 I took them with me to a healing session involving biofield tuning, quantum touch, scalar light therapy and QHHT. When the session was over my whole body was electrified and I was holding them in my hands and the energy was vibrating my hands it was SO POWERFUL! I’ve never felt just how much energy emanates from them in my hands, only on my chakras and now I know!
I am so thankful and overjoyed to have these precious and sacred tools to work with in accelerating my ascension process. I was already enjoying rapid forward movement and now I can move at warp speed with these discs propelling me further faster. I take them to all spiritual activities and I Love them! I am so looking forward to buying Metatron’s disc in the future so I can clear the low frequencies the other three humans I live with are constantly creating. I highly recommend Natalya’s work and if you’re considering buying one DO IT they really work for your highest good!