Epigenetics – YOU Are in Control of Your Health

In Self-development

Epigenetics - You Are in Control of Your HealthBruce Lipton’s book “The Biology of Belief” changed my whole perspective about health and the body and our power to create. I used to believe what everyone else believed and didn’t know any better and it was such a revelation to discover that our thoughts and feelings are more instrumental to our heath than we realized. Since then I have learned far more about the power of our mind over our body and our life.

“Epigenetics is the science of how environmental signals select, modify and regulate gene activity. This new awareness reveals that the activity of our genes is constantly being modified in response to life experiences. Which again emphasizes that our perceptions of life shape our biology.”

“Are you ready to use your conscious mind to create a life overflowing with health, happiness and Love without the aid of genetic engineers and without addicting yourself to drugs? Are you ready to consider an alternate reality to that provided by the medical model of the human body as a biochemical machine? There is nothing to buy, and there are no policies to take out. It is just a matter of temporarily suspending the archaic beliefs you have acquired from the scientific and media establishments so that you can consider the exciting new awareness offered by leading-edge science.”

Bruce Lipton, Biology of Belief, Introduction

Read more from Bruce Lipton

You are a tri-part being, made of body, mind, and spirit. You will always be a tri-part being, not just while you are living on the Earth. There are those who hypothesize that upon death the body and the mind are dropped. The body and the mind are not dropped. The body changes form, leaving its most dense part behind, but retaining always its outer shell. The mind (not to be confused with the brain) goes with you, too, joining with the spirit and the body as the one energy mass of three dimensions, or facets.
Should you choose to return to this experiencing opportunity that you call life on Earth, your divine self will once again separate its true dimensions into what you call body, mind, and spirit. In truth you are all one energy, yet with three distinct characteristics.
As you undertake to inhabit a new physical body here on Earth, your ethereal body (as some of you have termed it) lowers its vibrations—slows itself from a vibration so rapid that it cannot even be seen, to a speed that produces mass and matter. This actual matter is the creation of pure thought —the work of your mind, the higher mind aspect of your three-part being.
This matter is a coagulation of a million billion trillion different energy units into one enormous mass—controllable by the mind… you really are a master mind!
As these tiny energy units have expended their energy, they are discarded by the body, while the mind creates new ones. This the mind creates out of its continuing thought about Who You Are! The ethereal body “catches” the thought, so to speak, and lowers the vibration of more energy units (in a sense “crystallizes” them), and they become matter—the new matter of you. In this way, every cell of your body changes every several years. You are—quite literally—not the same person you were a few years ago.
If you think thoughts of illness or disease (or continuing anger, hatred, and negativity), your body will translate these thoughts into physical form. People will see this negative, sick form and they will say, “What’s the matter?” They will not know how accurate their question is.
The soul watches this whole drama play out, year after year, month after month, day after day, moment after moment, and always holds the Truth about you. It never forgets the blueprint; the original plan; the first idea; the creative thought. Its job is to remind you—that is, to literally re-mind you—so that you may remember once again Who You Are—and then choose Who You now Wish to Be.

Conversations with God, Book I, Ch. 11