11 Tips to Be Positive When Everyone Around You is Negative

In Self-development

11 Tips to be Positive When Everyone Else Around You is NegativeBeing on a spiritual/self development path can be incredibly challenging when everyone around you is not, and sometimes it feels like they are actively working against your progress! Well sometimes they are; some people feel threatened by another’s forward progress because they are afraid of what that will mean for them. Maybe they feel like they’ll get left behind when you evolve faster than them, aren’t a vibrational match any longer and so drop out of your life forever. Maybe they are insecure and afraid to claim their power and don’t want you to claim yours either so they do their best to sabotage you at every turn. There are so many invisible variables that influence human behavior – trying to figure out people’s intentions is a great way to get a headache – believe me I’ve tried to understand people’s behaviors and actions with little success. Most of the time they don’t even know why they do what they do either!

I’ve come across another fabulous article to help you on your journey – 11 Tips to Be Positive When Everyone Around is Negative from Self Development Secrets. I agree with everything they say, this is a very well written post in my opinion. Every tip is important and should be considered equally. However, I would like to emphasize #3. Focus on You. When you do this everything else falls into place. When you acknowledge and accept that YOU are the only person you are responsible for and have any control over as a sovereign being and extension of Source energy then you will begin to have more peace of mind in dealing with others. You simply cannot and do not control anyone else’s thoughts, feelings and actions and when you try you cause yourself and everyone involved more suffering. So stop focusing on them and their actions towards you and start focusing on yourself and how you can be more mindful and detached.

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I would also like to add to #8. Don’t Dwell. Your ego along with your etheric body will replay interactions/situations/scenes like broken records over and over in your mind until you cry mercy. When you find yourself thinking (again) about something that already happened it may be because there is a lesson you did not take the time to fully realize, explore and acknowledge. A big lesson I’ve learned on my path is the importance of going within every day. The longer the better. When I spend time in solitary contemplation, I can observe and analyze with detachment each interaction free of the energies of the moment and reflect on what I could have improved in each situation. What could I have done better? How could I have reacted in a way that’s for the highest good of all? How can I have compassion for myself and anyone else involved? Is this person/situation returning karma that I must heal and release or it will come back over and over again until I do? After you’ve learned what you can from the interaction and your mind still replays the scene again then you need to take control and tell yourself “Enough! I don’t want to think about that anymore!” and redirect your thoughts to something else. After doing that a few times and not giving it any more energy, it will fade away as long as you let it go.

I would like to end with something else I’ve learned on my path: if you try to do this alone you will cause yourself much more suffering than if you reach out for help. And not help from other humans – they’re in the same 3D energies you are AND they have their own agendas/programming to bias any help they give you. No, the best help is from above. Do you have any idea how many glorious Beings are ready to help you and all you have to do is ask? The multiple higher aspects of yourself – your soul, Holy Christ Self, I AM Presence to start, not to mention the countless Beings on your Spirit Squad (what I call them :)) in addition to Ascended Masters, Archangels/angels, Galactic Families, Creator/God, the list is endless! You are never alone and all you have to do is ask! I like using affirmations, decrees and invocations and if you need a recommendation I would be happy to help you! Much Love and many Blessings to you all. ?