Review: Currents Alchemy – Financial Realignment in a Bottle

In Manifesting Money, Reviews
Currents Financial Realignment Alchemy Blue Emerald Alchemy

During the last few years I have tried so many things to transform my consciousness from scarcity to wealth. Most of them I’m not really sure if they helped or not. By summer of 2020 I’ve done so much shadow work and have gotten myself to a really good place in my belief system with money enough to confidently say I have healed my relationship with money and the flow is being restored. But I still asked for help in being aware of any unconscious blocks I haven’t cleared. A few months ago in July I was guided to Blue Emerald Alchemy. I knew about Newton’s dabbles with alchemy and had read Saint Germain’s book on mental alchemy but had never heard of monoatomic gold or liquid alchemies you can ingest to help raise your frequency. So I did what I always do with something new, I read the entire website. I was fascinated to learn that these substances are imbued with intelligent conscious Life that works with you and your I AM Presence to give you what you need and ask for. Fabulous!

I was delighted to discover they had an alchemy for money YAY called Currents – Prosperity Realignment! So of course I placed an order immediately eager to try it and other formulas. I didn’t know what to expect when my order arrived. They recommend sitting with the bottle and allowing it to calibrate to your energies so I waited a few days before ingesting it although I didn’t feel anything from it because I don’t yet have energetic sensitivities.

So I took 5 drops under my tongue right before bed the first night and nothing happened. Then I took 5 drops under my tongue the next morning and a few hours later ate lunch. About 20 mins after I started to feel really pukey but I didn’t want to lose everything I just ate so I resisted the feeling and then I blacked out for a few seconds. I was standing and quickly sat down. Then I felt as if I was coming back into my body because I felt like I was falling and I almost couldn’t open my eyes or they wouldn’t focus. It was so fascinating to observe this happening! Then I laid down and soon surrendered to my body’s need to release whatever it needed to release. After I threw it all up I instantly felt better. I haven’t experienced anything like that since even though I’m still taking it. So amazing!

So if we break this down and analyze it, the stomach and digestive tract are governed by the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra is your personal power center, and personal power is usually entwined with money on this money planet. Of course as everything is always up for interpretation, you are free to believe whatever you wish to believe but I choose to believe that this alchemy helped me to release an energetic block in my solar plexus chakra through that experience. I received absolutely zero information about what it was and have no idea what was cleared and released. And I don’t need to know! I would like to, and if I needed to I’m sure I’d receive an intuitive flash or insight but I didn’t so it’s not important. What IS important is that since then I’ve been expanding into greater levels of the wealth and prosperity frequencies than ever before and my overall default frequency has soared higher than ever before! Not to say that that would necessarily be your experience and I’m not saying this is a quick fix or instant remedy at all. It’s simply another tool, another resource to work with and assist you IN ADDITION to doing the MANDATORY AND CRUCIAL SHADOW WORK.

I am not an affiliate with Blue Emerald Alchemy and I receive absolutely nothing from them in terms of compensation for this post. It’s an honest account of my experience with this product and I’m sharing solely with the intention of helping you on your wealth manifestation journey because we all need to heal our relationships with money in order to create New Earth. The only way I benefit is in seeing ALL of my brothers and siSTARS transmuting their scarcity into prosperity consciousness so we can all live joyously and FREE!