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Directory Category: Parapsychology Research

Short Business Description
OBERF is for all other experiences that are not an ADC or an NDE, such as spiritually transformative event, power of prayer, out of body experience, meditation experiences, premortal existence, precognitive dreams, etc. We have two other websites devoted to other aspects of consciousness experiences. NDERF is for near death experiences (NDE) and ADCRF is for after death communications (ADC).
Business Website Address
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At the Institute for Mystical Experience Research and Education (IMERE), we are dedicated to empirical research on mystical experiences. Our mission is to advance the creation, communication, and application of mystical experience knowledge to help unite people throughout the world and to assist individuals in their spiritual growth.

At present, IMERE’s primary research project is our international survey of people who have had mystical experiences (see our Mystical Experience Questionnaire page for more information). By working to collect thousands of mystical experience questionnaires from people from all over the world, we are furthering man’s understanding of these important transcendental experiences.
Business Website Address
Business Address
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 61
Laurel, NY 11948
Short Business Description
This web site is a free public service. We do not allow proselytizing. We welcome and encourage all people of all backgrounds, nationalities, countries, and religions to read and participate on the website.

Our Mission: To research and study consciousness experiences and to spread the message of love, unity and peace around the world.
Business Website Address
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The Monroe Institute® (TMI), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit education and research organization, is a preeminent leader in human consciousness exploration. TMI is devoted to the premise that focused consciousness contains the answers to humankind’s questions. Through the use of specific binaural beat technology, education, research, and development, TMI has been advancing the experience of individuals in the exploration of targeted and expanded states of awareness for more than 40 years.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(434) 361-1500 Toll Free (866) 881-3440
Business Address
365 Roberts Mountain Road
Faber, Virginia 22938 USA
Short Business Description
Borderland Sciences Research Foundation is a California non-profit (C0254263) research and education organization, founded in 1951 by Meade Layne for the purpose of studying parapsychology and extended consciousness. It has since expanded in scope to traverse as broad a path of the grand terrain of the borderland as may be uncovered by human perceptions (and perhaps even further).

The main goal of Borderland Sciences is the curation and distribution of historical papers and books on energy, healing, and consciousness, providing a framework for understanding and continued research, and offering support to scientific minds exploring the unconventional regions of thought we call "borderland".
Business Phone Number
+1 (707) 497-6911
Business Address
P.O. Box 6250 • Eureka, CA, USA