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Crystal Grid, The

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Short Business Description
Our mission is to spread awareness and reawaken the wandering soul to the ancient wisdom and healing properties of crystals. The Crystal Grid is a conscious lifestyle brand that supplies you with the tools of the purest of vibrations that will nourish, rejuvenate, and raise your consciousness.

The crystal energy within each piece of jewelry serves as a guide to harness your own inner power and higher self. Everyone has the power within, and The Crystal Grid shows you how to tap into that power.

When a crystal is passed from one person to another, that positive energy is transferred, thus increasing the frequency of planet. This creates a sense of harmony and oneness for the world, elevating us to a higher dimension.

We believe we can inspire and motivate the world to spread consciousness with a single beautiful crystal. With the crystal movement, we build the world's crystal grid larger, one gem at a time.
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