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Dean P. Chang

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Short Business Description
Dean is a nationally certified lymphedema therapist and a California certified massage therapist (CAMTC #30613) in private practice in the Sacramento, CA area. Dean is also a nationally Certified Bodywork Therapist with Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals.

Dean specializes in the body therapy techniques of CranioSacral Therapy, Heart Centered Therapy, Lymph Drainage Therapy, Neural Manipulation, The Brain, Visceral Manipulation and Mechanical Link as taught through The Chikly Health Institute, The Barral Institute, The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators, and The Upledger Institute. Dean is a Certified Examiner and Certified Teaching Assistant for the Lymph Drainage Therapy and The Brain curricula and a Teaching Assistant for all of the other curricula listed. Dean has made numerous presentations and lectures on these body therapy modalities.
Business Website Address
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Business Address
Carmichael, CA 95608

Downtown Sacramento, CA 95816
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