Song of the 144,000

The Immortal, Book 1 by JJ Dewey is another book I have discovered along my journey and in it is this lovely and powerful song/decree/prayer called the “Song of the 144,000” given by John the Baptist. I say this song as part of my daily decree routine. JJ is offering the first book for free at his website. Here is an excerpt of the chapter containing the song:
“So, are you going to teach us the song then?” I asked eagerly.
“Yes,” John replied. “Get a pen and paper and write down the words precisely as I tell them to you. This is one teaching you are not to put in your own words, but must be exactly memorized.”
I got the materials and prepared to write. “I’m ready,” I said, poised for revelation.
John began by closing his eyes for a moment. Then he opened them and slowly spoke these beautiful words:
“We thank you Father that you have revealed to us your protective universal light; that within this light is complete protection from all destructive forces; that the Holy Spirit of Your Presence permeates us in this light, and wherever we will the light to descend.”
John paused a moment and closed his eyes. As Elizabeth and I looked on in wonder, we became aware of a white light, ever so softly at first, growing in radiance about an arm’s reach from John’s body until we could hardly gaze upon it. Then, a few seconds later, we noticed a radiant light beginning to manifest and dance around our own bodies. After about another minute the three of us were like three glowing suns of light.
Then John spoke again:
“We thank you Father that you fill us with your protective fires of Love; that within this love is complete protection from all destructive thoughts and feelings; that the consciousness of Christ is lifted up in us in this love, and wherever we will the love to be enflamed.”
John was silent again, and after a few seconds we noticed bright yellow, pink and magenta color added to his aura of light. Shortly thereafter, we noticed it in our own spheres of light. Then we felt the fire of tremendous love. It was a love and fire that permeated to the very soul and was very delicious to the spiritual taste, something beyond our power to put in words. Somehow Elizabeth and I both sensed we were all feeling it together; and even though we had not felt this intensity before, it seemed very natural and welcome.
Then, just as we were enjoying the greatest experience of our lives, John opened his eyes and spoke again:
“We thank you Father that you are in us and we are in you; that through us Your Will is sent forth on wings of power; that Your Purpose is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven; that through us Your Light and Love and Power is manifest to all the Sons and Daughters of Mankind.”
This time, a deep violet with edges of gold manifested in his aura and again spread to our own light. In addition to feeling the Presence of Spirit and great Love, we now felt a sense of enormous Power that was overwhelming. If we had any doubt about the existence of a Supreme being before, they vanished when we felt such a great manifestation. The sense of power seemed so great it felt as if the one who possessed it could snap his fingers and make the world disappear if desired. It was indeed a humbling experience.
John stretched both hands outward, and the light seemed to circulate around the three of us as if we were one life. Then he said quietly, “Ask yourself… When you are in this state is it even possible to feel any fear? Can you sense it would be impossible for the Dark Ones to disturb this peace?”
I looked at Elizabeth. “The way I feel right now, I can’t even imagine anything negative existing, let alone fear it.” Elizabeth nodded, smiling, in agreement. She seemed unable to speak.
John lowered his arms and the light began to fade, but even when it was gone we continued to feel a great peace within us. After a moment John spoke again, “You, my friends, have just heard the Song of the 144,000 before the throne of God. There are already groups of 144,000 singing the song on the spiritual planes, but this is the beginning of the spiritual song upon the earth. Soon, it will be on earth as it is in heaven; and there will be 144,000 and more who will feel the Light and Love and Power of the Father-Mother God and allow themselves to be a note played within the music of the spheres.”
After contemplating this beautiful vision I asked, “Are we supposed to say this song or prayer on a regular basis?”
“Yes,” said John. “Say it together at least once a day and say it as an individual at least once a day. Each time you say it, however, visualize all those who can sing the song of the soul as if they were in your presence and enjoying the light and love and power you have felt here tonight. As each new person learns the song the whole will be strengthened and energized.”
John paused and continued, “My time is short and I will teach you more later on this subject.”
We said our good-byes and again watched John walk off into the darkness.
That night Elizabeth and I said the song together before going to
bed. We didn’t see a visible light or feel the fire as we did when John
said it, but we felt a peaceful feeling… and Elizabeth was able to fall
into a deep sleep without fear of another dark attack.
Copyright 1997 by J J Dewey