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    Showing 1-6 of 6 results

    • Atlantis Restoration Team Tshirt

      This design is based on a dream I was told about where the person saw a badge on a uniform that said “Atlantis Recovery Team”, I’m assuming during the infamous destruction of Atlantis, and it inspired me to create a design focused on rebuilding and restoration instead of the tragedy that occurred. If Atlantis calls to you or you feel like you’re a lightworker starseed helping to build a new Atlantis/New Earth/Golden Age wear this shirt with honor!

    • Built Spirit Strong Tshirt

      Inspired by the “Built Ford Tough” slogan, this is something I’d say to myself along my spiritual/self development journey during challenging times. It helped me to remind myself that I really am BUILT SPIRIT STRONG because I AM GOD INSIDE!!!

    • Arcturian Inside Tshirt

      Most starseeds incarnate on Earth the same way as everyone else but our soul aspects/higher selves originate from other planets or universes. We look human and are playing the human game but inside we feel differently because many of us remember more of who we really are and feel like we are in this world but not of this world.

    • I Don’t Know But I Trust Tshirt

      If there’s anything I have learned on this spiritual journey it’s that the more I learn, the more I learn I don’t know anything. When we accumulate vast amounts of knowledge our egos want to make us feel important, special, maybe superior to other people but in reality what we know, (even the most brilliant people) is a drop in the bucket of all there is to know in creation. And when I think about all there is to know about how the world works and how much more beings in the higher dimensions know about what’s going on here and throughout the entire galaxy compared to our limited human perspective all I can do is throw up my hands, shrug my shoulders and say I surrender! I don’t know what’s going to happen but I trust that everything is working out the way it was intended. While we create our own realities we don’t know how everything is going to play out and interact with the collective reality, free will and many other variables so if we want peace within we have to accept the unknown and just say “I don’t know, but I trust” and really mean it or we will continue to live in fear and worry.












    • I AM Unlimited Affirmation Tshirt

      The time is now for you to wake up from the illusion of limitation and remember that who we really are is unlimited because we are an aspect of Divine Love. Limitations only exist so we can experience them and rise above them to move forward in growth. You are not meant to allow them to imprison you in your mind. When you have a limiting belief such as ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘who would love me?’ first you must identify and acknowledge the thought then you can go within and ask yourself where this thought comes from. It can take time but you can clear out all of these limiting beliefs and when you do you will feel unlimited because you are. We can do anything!

      My intention with this “I AM” affirmation shirts series is to enable the person using the product to FEEL and BE the message. Let the energy of the words empower you. Affirmations are meant to be said with strength and conviction which is reflected in the design – all caps and bold text. Whenever I read the words I actually DO feel the message because the energy of the words helps me connect with my own authentic internal soul power. People may not realize words do carry quite a powerful energetic impact so it’s best to choose them wisely and choose positively because you are programming yourself. If you are afraid or unwilling to declare this statement to everyone around you perhaps you still have work to do in claiming your power? Or maybe you’re afraid of people’s reaction or judgement of you? This spiritual tee shirts series is designed to empower you to explore your courage and discover how much you give people your power by still caring what they think of you enough to modify your behavior.






    • Starseed Inside Tshirt

      Do you feel like you don’t belong on this planet or that you’re different from everyone else? Do you find it easy to believe in UFOs or extra-terrestrials? There are so many quizzes online you can see if any of the characteristics fit you. Starseeds are people that have their spiritual story on planets other than Earth. They have reincarnated on other planets before being born here. There are more Starseeds here now than at any point in our history because we are answering the call to help humanity remember Who They Really Are and anchor the Light into Gaia’s crystalline core. When you display this message you make a statement to everyone that you’re proud of Who You Really Are and your home origins and are not afraid to let people know you’re not of this world. It’s time to stop being afraid of what other people think of you and say it loud!














    Showing 1-6 of 6 results